The Founders


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

Matt Keeler


Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged.

Blake Cone

The Story

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Etiam et ullamcorper lectus, id laoreet orci. Fusce auctor pretium tortor, eget tincidunt eros rutrum eu. Fusce lectus est, tempus in varius vitae, porttitor vitae felis. Maecenas imperdiet enim sed sodales condimentum. Sed sagittis ipsum sed mauris blandit, eget dignissim diam ornare. Nullam iaculis interdum dui, ac finibus leo laoreet ac. Nulla tempus ante vel libero blandit, vitae efficitur odio elementum. Donec non luctus turpis, vel accumsan turpis. Proin ut facilisis ligula. Cras eget lectus scelerisque, accumsan purus vitae, pellentesque lorem. Aliquam urna purus, interdum sed fringilla sed, condimentum a urna. Fusce congue, elit nec malesuada pulvinar, erat nunc tempor odio, sit amet rutrum turpis odio vitae sem. Maecenas tristique vulputate sapien nec ornare. Suspendisse mattis tristique libero a semper. Proin scelerisque volutpat massa sed eleifend.

Nunc ultricies fringilla condimentum. Nam lobortis dignissim nisl, nec placerat massa tincidunt at. Nulla sit amet odio viverra, accumsan lacus ut, commodo elit. Nam at varius quam. Morbi aliquet nulla dictum, blandit mi in, efficitur eros. Vivamus in semper magna. Aliquam dolor mi, sagittis eget eros vitae, vehicula pellentesque ligula. Nulla diam eros, sollicitudin et nibh non, elementum vulputate risus. Donec id laoreet ligula. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In odio lectus, aliquam in lacus vitae, tempus tincidunt diam. Curabitur finibus ut diam ac placerat. Sed porta, lorem ut condimentum sodales, odio ipsum venenatis leo, ut fringilla sapien orci et dolor. Ut nec nisi placerat, tincidunt tellus vel, rhoncus augue.

Donec pharetra ante eros, non dapibus turpis elementum vitae. Ut a diam sem

Who We Are

Long time friends, Blake Cone and Matt Keeler, have had many a beer together as they daydreamed about one day opening a small brewery of their own. Then about three years ago they started taking a deeper dive and working on their business plan, reserved the Oak City Brewing Company name, URL and have never turned back.  After walking miles looking at dozens of possible locations, reworking budgets for the umpteenth time and brewing beer in their garages they finally found a suitable location in beautiful downtown Knightdale.

In spring of 2015, they took the entrepreneurial plunge, quitting their jobs (both with newborns on the way) and started realizing their dream.  At this point they usually immediately follow that statement by saying that we both have the most amazing wives in the world for letting us follow our dreams with newborns here and on the way. (Thank you Sarah and Bridget).

Oak City Brewing opened it’s doors for business on January 2, 2016.

Why Oak City

In all seriousness we do get asked this a lot so much so that we decided to put something on our website about it. Â People seem intrigued because Oak City is naturally more commonly seen in Raleigh and yet we are located in Knightdale. So what’s the story?

The story is, there really isn’t a story. We love the outdoors, have always thought Oak City Brewing Company was a cool name that tied back to the local area of Raleigh which is right next door to Knightdale (named a National Arbor Day tree city) and just by chance our location has a beautiful big oak tree with a backdrop of a 76-acre park so come sit beneath our oak and have a cold beer with us. Bring your family and/or your dog too.

Why Knightdale

Why not. We love Knightdale.

Local Causes

Cleaning up the Neuse River and saving the trees. Seriously more to come on this we think a brewery no matter how big or small can work with our community to do what we can.

The Wood